Tuesday, January 1, 2019

South Carolina and Coaching

This past week I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in a rare opportunity for a high school basketball team from Wisconsin. As a member of the Port Washington High School Basketball coaching staff I was able to go along on a Varsity trip to South Carolina for a 3 day tournament. Not only was it a great experience on the court but any time you can get away from the snow you will always take it!

Being part of an out-of-state trip like that is something that not a lot of high school programs get to experience for any sport. To be able to do it with a special senior class and a basketball program that I have had the privilege of helping out the last 3 years was truly a memorable experience. These types of trips often do more for the players and coaches off the court than it does on the court. While a 14 hour bus ride might be grueling it is a time to grow relationships and become closer as a group. Not to mention the games in the hotel rooms, the going out to eat and just enjoying each other's company all week. All of these things were true on our trip to South Carolina and I do not think it is a coincidence that we played some of the best basketball we have all year on our way to a Claw Classic Championship.

As far as the on-court experience, our players got to enjoy 3 consecutive victories against teams we had little knowledge or scouting for. One of the things that sticks out the most to me about our 3 consecutive victories was the fact that it came 3 days in a row after driving 14 hours on a bus. That is tough for professional athletes to do as NBA players hate back to backs but our player's gutted out a long bus ride and some long days to win on back to back to back nights. Hopefully there is more to come from the Pirates this year as they continue to grow as a team on and off the court.

Two moments that stick out to me from the last week that brings me back to why I coach go back to one of my first blog posts about "Every Kid Needs a Champion". On the bus ride a player I have had the privilege of coaching the last couple years came up and just wanted to talk. While this may not be a big "AHA" moment, it shows me the relationship and trust that this player has in me and that they know I truly care about them as a player, student and person. This player also shows me the respect and reminds me that they care about me as well. That is something that was evident again yesterday as I was out and about and had a former player come up and give me a hug and spend time talking with me about what is going on in life. The ability and willingness that players show to communicate with me gets me back to the "Why I coach". Creating these relationships with young adults where they are willing to trust me and show that they value our relationship is the real reason I am a coach. While winning Championships and traveling to the #ABCA2019 Clinic this weekend in Dallas are great experiences, the relationships with the players is the real reason why I am a coach.

I have included some pictures from our trip to South Carolina and you can see in one of the videos how much the players enjoy the head coach, Brian Hebein as they were waiting for him in the locker room to celebrate the Championship. What a great moment that everyone who was involved will never forget. Continue to make memories as an athlete, scholar, coach, and help those around you!

We were able to hold a shoot around before our first game thanks to a 1000 win coach in South Carolina. 5 time State Champion, Tim Whipple, thanks again Coach!

The boys after the Championship!

Port boys taking a picture with the team from Australia who was there supporting us in the Championship game!

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