Monday, September 3, 2018

Beginning of a New School Year and Journey- Every Kid needs a Champion

I have just started this blog as I want to share my story, thoughts, reflections, and anything else that comes to my mind in the future. This blog will contain some education stories, reflections on sports, and just how lifelong learning can impact your life. Please feel free to read, share and spread this blog to anyone who you think may have an interest in one or all of my blogs. 

As I prepare for another school year, it is time to reflect on how my education has impacted me and how I have got to where I am today.

School and education is one of the craziest and most influential parts of our lives. I truly believe this is why I am an educator and coach today. To be able to have a positive impact on new students lives every year is something that cannot be done in every occupation. While there are heroes throughout the world who work with people every day I could not imagine being in a more rewarding profession.

Every year when a new school year starts I always think back to my school days at St. Paul's for 4K in Grafton, Woodview and Grafton Elementary, John Long Middle School, Grafton High School and finally University Wisconsin- Eau Claire. There are so many educators who have made a positive impact on me in my life whether it is my Elementary school gym teacher saying, "CJ the DJ" every time I saw him or my High School Social Studies teacher giving me a newspaper every morning. As I think back to all the teachers I have had and all the great times I have had, what always sticks out to me is the relationships that were formed with those teachers. While I am sure I learned plenty throughout my education, what I vividly remember is those special relationships and moments with various teachers. Here are just some of the many teachers that had a positive impact on my life:

  • Mr. Maronde (music teacher- who broadcasted my March Madness picks on the school announcements)
  • Mrs. Moline (Kindergarten- she always knew me as the sports reporter)
  • Ms. Cox (3/4th grade teacher, later became Mrs. Heinz, sorry Mr. Kehoe I didn't grow old enough, fast enough)
  • Mr. Kehoe (Elem. gym teacher for always calling me "CJ the DJ".)
  • Mr. Peacy (6th grade- for awarding me the Most Complaints in a Year Award- I still don't get it!!)
  • Mr. Trottier (7th grade and basketball coach)
  • Mr. Durst (HS English and Baseball coach- not sure there is anyone who has impacted my life more as a player, student, and person)
  • Mr. Gajewski- (HS Social Studies- For giving me a newspaper everyday in HS and beginning an interest in reading for me, because I could finally read what I wanted to!)
  • Dr. Stephens- (UWEC SPED- For being my advisor and pushing me to challenge myself and not be afraid of any situations)
  • Dr. Pappalia- (UWEC SPED- For believing in me as an educator and pushing me to be better!)
  • Dr. Battalio- (UWEC SPED/ELEM- For helping me survive Scotland with 16 girls!)
These are just a few of the educators who have positively impacted my life and as you see what they did for me goes beyond the content they taught, they created a positive personal relationship with me! That is my goal every year to reach and care about each one of my students. If my students can remember one positive moment or one action for the next 25 years of their life, I would have impacted their life and I know they have left my classroom with at least one special memory. 

While more and more is asked of educators and we continue to embrace the challenge, it all comes back to relationships. I hope that for this next school year and for however long I am teaching I can impact my students in a positive way, and that they will always remember me as someone who had a positive impact on their life!

Here is a little video about the impact of teaching that I will leave you with- Every Kid needs a Champion

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